Sunday, 9 December 2012

Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa is Changing 13.12.2012

Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa is Changing

Students on Tier 4 must make most from the change coming to effect this December 2012.
No funds other than from a registered  and approved source FSA £50,000.00 will be excepted on and after 13th December 2012.

Tier 4 holders must apply immediately. Under the £200,000.00 funds from overseas can not be switched in-country. They must return to their home country and make an application. The draw back doing this is, application overseas does not earn a right of appeal which is crucial sometimes.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Tier 1 Entrepreneur Bank letter for 75 points


Dated: 29th November 2012

For the attention of the UK Border Agency

In regards to the application of Mr.____________Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa status in the United Kingdom:

I have the consent of Mr.____________to share these findings with the Agency. I will confirm the contents of this letter to the Agency at their request.

Mr._____________ has INR 32,127520/= (Thirty two million one hundred twenty seven thousand five hundred twenty only) in cash deposit held with this financial institution for investment in a business in the United Kingdom.

On this date 29th November 2012

Mr.___________has INR 32,127520/= (in words only) amount of money in his own name available for investment in a business in the United Kingdom.

I can confirm that above mentioned funds are cashable at any time and freely transferable and disposable in the United Kingdom.

This XXXX Bank is regulated by Reserve Bank of India.

The applicant has the following amount of money held in this institution under the name of:

Account Name: Mr._____________________
National Identity Card No. _______________
Account No.
Branch Code:
Current cleared funds in Indian Rupees: 32,127520/=

Name of Authorised Financial Institution: Bank name

Address of Authorised Financial Institution:

Name and contact details of the Author of this document:

Telephone No:
Fax No.

Email Address:

Signature of authorised bank official: _____________________

Official Stamp/seal:__________________